Frida’s passion published by tre60 is also the passion of Caroline Bernard pseudonym of Tanie Schlie who for her twenty-seventh birthday receives the biography of Frida Kahlo written by Hayden Herrera and begins a journey of immersion in everything that revolves around the artist.
On her website in the foreground the sentence: “And then I sit in Paris at the Café de Flore and I order my inspiration” … same Café de Flore in which Frida also sits on page 270.
The book also talks about a small café called La risa: laughter, but above all it talks about the PASSION mentioned in the title.
A passion so strong and visceral as to be unique and unrepeatable, a real bond made of earth, painting and blood that Frida Kahlo reports not only on her works but also in every single moment of her life.
A painful life, a life without discounts, never.
I particularly received inspiration in terms of living with pain, but it was other types of suffering that raged on Frida that came to me with the same intensity of her determination.
That hole in her heart remains indelible.
But superior is the strength with which her example arrives of how the will transcends the physical, managing to touch the impossible.
As much as fate is cruel.
At her death, her personal items were collected and banned from the public for a period of fifteen years at the behest of her husband Diego Rivera, but in reality the years passed before they were exhibited are fifty.
Among the photographs available thanks to The Guardian I was struck by the boots. Observe them well.
And I tried to imagine the perfumes of Casa Azul
In a sentence in the book, her sister Cristina, who bears the same name as the friend I thank for the book, tells Frida that she is Mexico.
But she is also pain, tangible, inexorable, irreducible.
Thanks to the book, it is possible to witness the birth of some of his paintings following a thread of emotions, as if they could not be thought otherwise.
Do you have a favorite?
You can see them on the Foundation’s website, or here you will find a selection combined with quotes.
I conclude with a news, reported by Fantastic Nonna: the Municipality of Milan has dedicated a square to Tina Modotti who plays an important role in the book.
I fell in love with this photograph.
Do you have one in which your smile explodes radiating joy?