I immediately ask forgiveness for the heresy: “Itis Plato” obviously came to mind with reference to Paolini


I could listen to Marco Paolini for hours without ever getting tired, I discovered his ability to catalyze and maintain attention since Vajont, which has really remained as on the living skin.

Itis Galileo was also staged at the Cagnoni Theater in Vigevano in 2013.

At the beginning of the monologue Paolini asks who among the audience has attended classical high school rather than scientific high school and at the end he says that he will explain Galileo at the Technical Institute level because those who have studied at Itis: Technical Institute do not know philosophy.

Here I am.

It must also be said that I have to thank Francy, Franca and Francesco, as well as for the books on mathematics, also for a Novel about the history of philosophy: Sophie’s world, which has also become famous as a sort of “manual” if we can say so.

My husband Massimo then, taken by the Allegory of the cave, gave me Plato’s Republic which I read in my own way, trying to understand how I could.

This is why it occurred to me that perhaps I should also ask Marco Paolini for an Itis Plato, a triangle, as he ironically defines it.

And you? Are you Platonic?

Speaking of the cave, I’d like to create a rubric: imagine darkness and only a flashlight behind you.

What would you say to people to bring them out into the light?



Living the sweet life these are words that came to my mind when I discovered this incredible find.

Honestly, I didn’t really believe it right away, but in fact it was really communicated by an official source.

Galina Georgievna Fiódorova, an artist-restorer of the Hermitage Museum from St. Petersburg, while she was working on a dress of the Grand Duchess Ksenia Aleksandrovna Romanova Ксения Александровна Рома, noticed that one of the sleeves had been sewn for some reason, but the stitch was light enough, so she decided to remove the thread.

At that point something pink fell on her hand, it looked like a pebble.

Many have talked about chocolate.

A chocolate no less than 118 years old!

It is true that I have always maintained that chocolate cannot expire … laughing but here we would be over !!

Actually I would say that it is more of a candy.


The ubiquitous sugar.

Also long-lived …

The funny thing is that Ksenia took a bite and then, not knowing how to get rid of it, is supposed to have hidden the candy up her sleeve.

But there is something even more absurd: Galina declared that she had the instinct to… taste it !!

Here’s how she realized the sweet taste.

Some ancient instincts have probably been triggered

Infants actually study what happens in their hands by bringing it to their mouths, but honestly I would never have the instinct to “taste” an unidentified object.

What about you?

I know, it’s incredible, yet here you can find the video published on the official profile of the museum.

Galina and Nina Ivanovna Tarasova, curator of the costume fund of the Department of History of Russian Culture, talk about the restoration of the dress created for the famous 1903 costume ball and explain the unexpected discovery.

One of the sleeves was sewn for some reason, but the stitch was light enough and the restorer decided to remove the thread …

I know it’s a who cares news of the most extreme kind, but because of its absurdity I thought it should be told, above all to understand, have you ever hiding food in an unusual way? I know a slice of salami in my pocket, a sandwich in the leg …

And what could you have up your sleeve?

Better the classic “aces” perhaps, or not?



Denise Ho, or HOCC as her fans prefer, was arrested on December 29 in Hong Kong

I already told you about Hong Kong and the Umbrellas Revolution

Unfortunately the situation is only getting worse, Denise announced with a tweet that she was released, a bit like what happened for Agnes Chow, but the arrest also involved the staff of Stand News, Hong Kong’s pro-democracy website accused of “seditious publication.”

Any act of rebellion, hostility, excitement to subvert institutions that is concretely capable of producing an event that is dangerous to public order is considered seditious.

Hong Kong, a former British colony, returned to Chinese rule in 1997 with the promise that its freedoms, including freedom of the press, would be protected.

Amnesty International asked for the immediate release of all intelligence workers arrested only for having carried out their legitimate work journalistic.

In June, the director of the Apple Daily newspaper: Jimmy Lai announced the closure, again following a series of arrests.

In this tweet there is a letter written in his hand after the sentencing for the commemoration of Tiananmen.

“Systemic erasing of history.”

So Denise Ho’s speech and voices like hers are extremely important

Denise was born in Hong Kong but raised in Montreal Quebec. However, she decided to return to launch her career in Cantopop.

Did you know Cantopop?

Not me, and I found an interesting explanation for it here

Among other things, I also discovered Caffeine Tears by Dear Jane! Now I absolutely have to understand the origin of the name of this band which is called Chinese acoustic rock.

Becoming the song is instead the docufilm that describes Denise’s journey from pop star to human rights activist.

Definitely to follow, don’t you agree?


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