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Many thanks Gabriella for the comment with the quote by Blaga Dimitrova:
“I’m not afraid they’ll stamp me flat. Grass stamped flat soon becomes a path”.
I didn’t know her but she immediately hit me a lot.
The idea of succumbing to become a path.
A new path in particular.
Yes, because in fact the already traveled roads seem to lead to worsening and impoverishment, I don’t know about you but I feel a little lost. Despite the proverb that our grandparents told us a bit as a negative warning:
Those who leave the old road for the new know what they leave behind and do not know what they find.
However, they had made progress on the road, and had the wisdom of their experience.
Instead we are regressing, we allow ourselves to be trampled without resistance just like grass, but we do not know how to form a path that leads us to better conditions, to an evolution in the human sense, to a well-being not enslaved by now global economic imperatives.
The Cheshire Cat concept also applies:
One day Alice came to a crossroads on the road and saw the Cheshire Cat on the tree.
“What path should I take?” churches.
The answer was a question:
“Where do you want to go?”
“I don’t know,” Alice replied.
“So,” said the Cheshire Cat, “it doesn’t matter.”
We don’t know where we want to go. Or rather: more than not knowing it, we don’t want it all the way. Am I wrong?
Aren’t we, in your opinion, almost on the point of no return, unable to accept that things will have to change, and will have to change a lot, and that the concept we had of the future has dissolved like a soap bubble?
Have you ever lost yourself? Wasn’t it an occasion where you walked a lot more?
The goal has not disappeared, it is more difficult to reach.
And perhaps we must first find ourselves in the shoes we have available, very tight, too uncomfortable and of short duration.
Życie przesycone jest abstrakcją i możemy coś z niego zrozumieć jedynie dzięki intuicji. – David Lynch
La vita è satura di astrazione e possiamo capire qualcosa solo attraverso la nostra intuizione. – David Lynch
Life is filled with abstractions and the only way we make heads or tails of it is through intuition – David Lynch
Thanks for the quote.
A individual trainer is a personally who helps people exercise. The reach of vocation with a view a special trainer is to increase the components of healthiness for the general, strong population. The five definitive components of seemliness are athletic tenacity, robust patience, assembly alloy, cardiovascular tenacity, and pliability, although there are other subsets like power, glance at, and speed. The non-specific citizenry is defined as an length of existence range of 18 to about 50 (45 and younger for males, 55 and younger because of females). The statement of meaning of healthy in this background means an absence of a infection that would adopt undivideds facility to exercise. Anyone outside that extent of in real life inexperienced should be placed in a trainers sphere after a afflict to the doctor to catch a glimpse of what kind, if any, exercise they are capable of.
And what do you think about the spirit of human beings?
Znana osobistosc Pan Andrzej Dobrowolski twierdzil, ze Mezczyzni witaja sie uscisnieciem dloni. Kobiety obejmuja sie przyjaznie. W pierwszym wypadku chodzi o sprawdzenie, czy w reku nie ma ukrytej broni, w drugim, czy na pewno nie ma jej tez za plecami i czy gra z otwartymi kartami 🙂
Well-known personage Mr. Andrzej Dobrowolski claimed that Men greeted each other with a handshake. The women hug each other amicably. In the first case, it is about checking whether there is a hidden weapon in your hand, in the second, whether it is also behind your back and whether you are playing with open cards.