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Summer is an ideal period for reading, or maybe not, but surely during the holidays you can devote more time to books, for me it was so many times.

An unforgettable holiday was the one in which my brother and I used to go through the stalls every evening to hunt for books that often only lasted the next day.

I chose Agatha Christie’s books while he preferred Stephen King‘s ones: it is thanks to him that I read many of them, since when he finished they obviously passed on to me.

It’s a shame when the kids in the summer maybe read less spontaneously, for tasks that have been assigned as homeworks, but there is always the basic hope that “duty” can turn into pleasure thanks to a good book.

And what about children?

Do you remember what was your first book ever? Maybe you still keep it?

As I have already said, I have many memories about the books that I started observing in the home library, I remember for example “Gulliver’s travels” in a vintage edition already then.

The first book from the school library, on the other hand, was “The Paul street boys”.

Among the many books that crowd the memories, I would also mention less classic books: “Anni verdi scarpette rosa” Malipiero edition of 1975 which was the first book received as a gift from a friend, and “Junior Woodchucks Guidebook” publisher Mondadori 1973 because my readings have gone before from the comics: I can’t say how many Mickey Mouse I could have read over and over again.

Now the literary mouse is more sophisticated and imitates a well-known investigator with a whole universe of references to “mice and cheese names” which in my opinion are very valid and amusing, reaching up to the great classics such as the aforementioned Gulliver’s Travels but strictly in Geronimo Stilton’s version.

I also found a nice selection by Survive The Kidz  with an additional version of Mouse in this case struggling with cookies, it is a contemporary classic too: published for the first time in 1985, with the particularity of being a circular story.

So, to close the circle, what did you enjoyed to read?
Mice? Men? Of Mice and Men?


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