Happiness is the title of the latest reading I owe Monica.
What is happiness for you?
The answer to this question is always very subjective.
What if happiness was a widespread state of mind that involved everyone?
The author of the book: Will Ferguson outlines his hypothesis of what would happen if everyone was happy in a short time.
How? Through a manual: the happiness manual.
Do you think we would need it?
The protagonist of the book: an editor who receives the manuscript of this manual and immediately trashes it, but then …
Everything is told with an irony that distinguished this entertaining read while maintaining an important underlying reflection.
I would particularly like to point out the publishing house: Accènto.
Founded by Alessandro Cattelan, this independent publishing house has among its projects, the objective of translating books that are missing from the Italian market, as in this case.
Besides the humour, this book gave me a small discovery, which with my love for words, and for words in different languages, I really appreciated:
May had recently edited a bizarre dictionary of obscure terms for Panderic. The title was The Untranslatables, and it was a playful survey of certain terms absent from the English language. Whole feelings, whole concepts that remained unexpressed for the simple reason that no word had ever been coined to define them. Words like ‘mono-no-awarè,’ ‘the sadness of things,’ a Japanese term that defined the eternal pathos that peeps just below the surface of life. Words like ‘mokita,’ which in the Kiriwina language of New Guinea means ‘the truth that no one talks about.’ It refers to the tacit agreement, between two or more people, to avoid explicit references to a well-known secret…
Do you also know any untranslatables?