Seems impossible, right?! Yet we have really arrived on Christmas Eve, which also brings us the last appointment with the Advent calendar.
The grand finale is by the creator of this initiative, as well as the author of the blog Shioren’s world.
Anna is also a writer and designer… in short, I still have to find something she can’t do!
On the web Anna’s nickname is Shioren Angel or Shio and on the blog she deals with memories, manga and anime, films, frivolous stuff, because reality is already so bitter at times that we need to create a little happy island where we can take a breath.
How to blame her?
I therefore recommend that you sail to her happy island to discover, in addition to all this, also the greatest fan of Michael Sheen, guaranteed!
Anna also has two novels plus a third work in progress by Anna Esse: Complicated Love and L’altra me.
Reading the story she wrote for today I was moved as I really have a soft spot for the kind of “angels” she talks about.
The title is The most important thing.
How often do we forget it?
Before the incipit with the link I would like to thank for having been accepted to be part of these daily events that have improved my pre-Christmas period which this year had bad conditions.
I take this opportunity to say to all those who may feel tired, disappointed, and tried by the emotional pollution that sometimes can affect heavily:
“It’s Christmas Eve and we are going to go celebrate being young and being alive.” Miles
You guessed what movie it is, right?
And now really The most important thing:
Snow was falling lightly from the sky directly on my face.
“Joseph!” I heard myself called and, immediately, the face of a little girl about my age appeared in my field of vision, with two long and soft golden pigtails and a lively smile.
I looked at her: «and who are you?», I asked her, confused … go on here.