Tell me that you too are part of those who love and await Christmas with the same enthusiasm as children!
I admit that every Christmas the spirit is put to the test more and more harshly, but magic always finds a way to fulfill itself and give the spell, albeit in different forms.
I also like to live the wait, to think about when I will remove the decorations from the historical boxes that keep them, to free them and the most suggestive atmosphere of the year ever.
Do you make preparations in advance?
Today there are 100 days to Christmas that seem a lot but they are few and I found myself dreaming to think back to the best moments.
What does Christmas represent for you?
The tree, the lights, the gifts …
What kind of gifts do you prefer?
Obviously, for those who love reading, long moments in the bookshop between classics and novelties are on the horizon, immersed in the indecision between inviting covers and important advice.
For example, I always have lists of back issues and long annotations such as The Count of Monte Cristo.
But maybe you are among those who have already framed everything very clearly.
In any case will you allow me an additional idea?
It is a real “signal” mine: SegnaLì
They are not just bookmarks.
They are not just notebooks.
They are the result of a thought dedicated to reading, they are the fruit of the love for books expressed in gestures taken care of down to the smallest detail by artisan hands that take care of the realization with carefully selected materials, and who carry out every single gesture with passion up to customized packaging, as a last courtesy before the delivery step.
I had a particularly special gift: Mariposas.
And from now on I will no longer be able to think of a butterfly without associating the thought with the creator and without trying to imagine Campidanoshire as Gabriella likes to define her land.
But did I already mention that there are 100 days to Christmas !?