Coffee on the road, can you tell me?
I hope you are one of those who are travelling to fantastic destinations these days.
How did you find the coffee?
Better? Worse? Long, short, black, macchiato?
With these words I always remind the scene from You’ve got mail.
We are very sedentary and we only moved within our territory, but each time we’ve had a nice coffee.
You too?
If you could be inspired to send me a photo of one of your coffees, I would be HAPPY.
In the meantime, I will tell you about a virtual trip to places totally unknown to me thanks to Tomislav.
First of all, I congratulate him on winning the International Fiction Festival award for his Wonderful story about a girl with Papovka.
The first ten pages of his comic are published in the UK, then five pages in Macedonia in the magazine Devetka.
The comic will also be published in Serbia in the comics magazine Balon, in the magazine Strip Prefiks in Croatia, the first six pages translated into Slovenian will be presented by Supernova, the magazine Athanatik from Montenegro, and the publisher Koloseum from Banja Luka.
And the next target is the Bulgarian magazine Duga.
Tomislav told me about all these publications, accompanying them with a coffee for each of the places.
If you click on the words in bold you will find each of the links.
So starting from Serbia, here is the coffee in Niš Serbia and the Turkish-style spoon from in Niš.
From Kikinda, also Serbia, I have no café but I was enchanted to see this wonderful tree-lined boulevard.
Carpe Diem Cafe Zagreb Croatia what can I say? A perfect name.
About Timișoara Romania we had already chatted, but can we give up these cappuccinos?
And finally Turkish-style Bulgarian coffee and Turkish sweets in the Balkan as Tomislav called them.
Layla, on the other hand, was in Italy for six weeks studying in Orvieto and the photo in her story depicts Office Coffee – coktails.
This is her video story
Very nice, isn’t it?
What about you?