Tashirojima 田代島 is an enchanting island populated mainly by cats

Hidden among the waves of the Sea of Japan, Tashirojima emerges as an enchanted oasis where pussycats reign supreme.

Located in Miyagi Prefecture, this small island has become world famous as ‘The Island of Cats’, a place where feline inhabitants outnumber humans and where the presence of these creatures is honoured as an ancient tradition.

The history of Tashirojima is intertwined with the bond between the island and its cats. Over the centuries, local fishermen are said to have believed that the presence of cats brought good luck and prosperity to their boats and fishing.

Today, Tashirojima is a unique tourist destination, captivating visitors from all over the world with its picturesque landscape and feline population.

Wild cats roam freely around the island’s streets, interacting with tourists and providing moments of joy and entertainment.

The islanders have also built several ‘neko-jinja’ (cat shrines) in honour of their furry friends, where visitors can pay their respects and leave offerings such as toys or food for the cats.

In addition, there are also some tourist facilities on the island that welcome visitors eager to experience the unique atmosphere of this feline community.

For cat lovers, Tashirojima is a true paradise on earth.

Here they can stroll through the island’s picturesque coastal landscapes, interact with a diverse cat population and fully immerse themselves in the culture and tradition surrounding these fascinating animals.

In conclusion, Tashirojima is much more than just an island: it is a world apart, where the presence of cats is considered sacred and where daily life is permeated by the magic and affection of these adorable animals.

For anyone seeking an escape from the hustle and bustle of modern life and a unique encounter with Japanese nature and culture, Tashirojima is the perfect place to explore and discover.




A-mici in città is a focus on cats by Legambiente, which offered an opportunity to survey some data.

The aspect I would like to focus on is this: at the feline registry, the municipality with the highest number of cats per number of inhabitants is the town of Sant’Angelo in Lomellina: more than one cat for every two citizens.

We may say that in these parts cats do particularly well 🙂

In fact, Gravellona even boasts a cat mayor.

I can’t help but immediately think of the cats from the famous “junkyard somewhere in London” … did you guess yet?!

I’m talking about the legendary Jellicle Cats!

There is no need for me to add anything else, is there?

If anything, I should add gratitude to Andrew Lloyd Webber for giving us Cats: a joyously engaging musical, full of vitality, and magically kaleidoscopic.

Wonderful music, stunning costumes and makeup, enchanting choreography.

Source of inspiration: Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats by T.S. Elliot. 

I still remember my amazement the first time: immediately enraptured by the thought of the three names:

The Naming of Cats is a difficult matter,
It isn’t just one of your holiday games;
You may think at first I’m as mad as a hatter.
When I tell you, a cat must have THREE DIFFERENT NAMES.

How many names do you have?

Actually we humans have more names too, don’t we?

One of the nicknames I have always used is really the name of one of the characters in Cats.

My husband gave me the musical dvd back in the days when it was not so easy to get this kind of things, and he gave me even more: we saw Cats at the Arcimboldi! Sitting in our seats as the Jellicle Cats peeked out around us, I’m still heart-eyed 🙂

May I invite you to review a small excerpt together?

Now would you tell me about the cats living with you or near you?



The lucky family is the further translation requested to Laura by Enzo Migliaccio, founder of the Imagaenaria bookshop in Ischia Ponte and of the publishing house of the same name, author of the series Works from three pennies for four cats that I had already mentioned for La Pietra Cantante

Here you can find another fantastic photo of Cenerella, which Laura introduced us on the blog Al tavola di Amalia, and I couldn’t help but immediately think of the Acqua Alta bookshop

Books and cats, isn’t it a perfect match?

Returning to the reading: I was immediately struck by another “familiar” aspect: the character who introduces the reader to the story is called Pisani.

Very popular surname in the country where I was born!

Since we are very far from Ischia, it seemed to me a curious connection as if The family of the title could somehow take on a universal connotation.

The lucky family.
Luck is what each of us represents a bit synonymous with fulfilled wishes.

Or the other way around?
As this quote from the Dalai Lama suggests
Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.

I was very curious to find out how Vilhelm Bergsøe would represent this good fortune.

Obviously I don’t tell the plot, but I would like to ask: how would you represent a lucky family?



“Welcome to the most beautiful bookshop in the world”
It is Luciana who gives us this visit!

If you know what it means to breathe the bohemian air by browsing the stalls along the Seine, for example, you have the perception of what the magic of a specific place is unique in the world, as in this case.

The human owner of the Acqua Alta bookshop, who for some was a marketing strategist and for others a dreamer, is Luigi Frizzo, but the real owners are cats.

I have already talked about Venice cats and about Luciana, but I haven’t told you yet that we met at school: even then she was doing her utmost to bring milk for the kittens that had been abandoned in the school yard we attended together. Also this picture is hers

So THANK YOU Luciana!

And you? Do you have any photos of the Venetian felines? Or cats and books?

I love the attitude of cats and I find that in Venice their living appropriating beauty naturally, ignoring anyone and anything with a seraphic attitude, becomes even more representative.

A sort of estrangement that recalls the moments of reading, the satisfying one, the one you wish it would never end.
The reading that has already captured you at the first sentence and that provokes the curiosity to know what is going to happen on the next page, the reading that literally transports you into the story, into its world, which also becomes yours.

What is the first book you would look for at the Acqua Alta bookshop?


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