Between the Fingers of Dreams is the gift I received from Anna Calisti thanks to Manual of Mari

The cover of the book shows a red rose and Rosa Rossa is the pseudonym of the author who literally put her heart into this book.

And with my heart I thank her.

Anna’s poems paint Love in all its forms, in all its facets, even the painful ones, each just like a rose petal: delicate, fragrant, colorful and velvety.

Some petals are personal dedications, other petals are reflections, and there is also some poetry in French because life led Anna to move with her family to Luxembourg.

Anna was born the same year as my mom, but before I discovered this I was already caring for her.

In this comment she told me about how her mother used to make coffee on the wood stove,  you can imagine me, reading with heart eyes, can’t you?!

Anna’s poem I prefer is in fact Memories: it conveyed to me the full force of her roots which I cherish.

The world in a square, life flowing, a journey through time.

Between the fingers of dreams a title that allows to thnik to dreams in a tangible way, in some way allows to be able to touch them.

We are approaching the magical season of Christmas: is there a dream that you wish you could touch?

Speaking of dreams, understood not as wishes but precisely as sleep-related psychic phenomenon, for me they always represent an intense desire to be able to find any messages they contain.

What do you think about this?

Do you think there is a definite reason behind what our R.E.M. phase shows us?

Can you understand your dreams?



Evidence means the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.

Evidence is an audiovisual montage that crosses the work of Arthur Rimbaud, Antonin Artaud and René Daumal in their journeys to new horizons.

Stimulated by these metaphysical journeys, the music and sound composition of Perfect Vision is the starting point for this new multidisciplinary exhibition, collectively designed by Soundwalk Collective and Patti Smith for the Centre Pompidou.

Have you ever visited the Centre Pompidou?

According to this video, tourists don’t know about it …

Undoubtedly a nice way to promote yourself, anyway I guess if I agree.

I’ve been there every time I’ve been lucky enough to visit Paris, and I find it hard to believe that tourists ignore it.

Of course the gimmick of the QR code embedded is rather ingenious, or is it?

Especially when I think that we visited Paris following complimentary hotel maps with all the Metro lines … yes, it was just that couple of years and technological eras ago … 🙂

Incidentally, “chatting” through the comments with Olivia, I was just remembering our attempts to ask for coffee by repeating serré over and over again in the vain hope of drinking it as short as possible …

Also pictured is Patti Smith, portrayed by Annie Leibovitz, having coffee at Café de Flore, in Paris

Patti said in an interview that Evidence is about travel.

Smiling, I think of the Pompidou Center’s gadgets: inspired by the classic souvenirs commonly considered as a “proof” of travel to be carried as a souvenir to display at home, or as a thought for friends and acquaintances.

So what is the proof, that is, the gadget you purchased during one of your trips that you particularly cherish?



I owe the reading of Daniel Pennac’s School Diary to Luciana: THANK YOU Lucy, I’m really grateful to you!

A diary edited by Feltrinelli, which I absolutely loved and which, in my opinion, should also be read at school.

Daniel Pennac, or Pennacchioni, is a teacher in Paris since 1970, better to use his exact words:
We learn that for a quarter of a century the author has practiced as a teacher and that he has chosen this apartment overlooking the courtyards of two schools a bit like a railway worker retiring above a marshalling yard.

In fact, I’ll tell you more: listen to whoever reads these words


I open a dutiful parenthesis on Sport’s Bar even if surely you also know Luisona and all the other characters, right?

But let’s go back to reading and to the emblematic phrase of Daniel Pennac’s mother: “Do you think he will get away with it sooner or later?”

Were you doing well in school? Were you among the deserving students and with the high average?

He definitely not, yet he first became a teacher and then a writer!

Daniel Pennac tells us that what he wrote is the “pure truth” and for this reason I found his message even more important.

What better example to give confidence to all those who are faced with uphill paths, who are out of the ordinary “patterns,” who are experiencing momentary failures?

I was thrilled with both the hope this book instills and the way it portrays true teaching.

I find that another sentence of his that deserves a standing ovation is this:
I always thought that school was first and foremost done by teachers. After all, who saved me from school if not three or four teachers?

And also:
Instead of collecting and publishing the pearls of the dunce students that arouse hilarity in so many classrooms, we should write an anthology of good teachers. Literature does not lack similar testimonies: Voltaire who pays homage to the Jesuits Tournemine and Porée, Rimbaud who submits his poems to Professor Izimbard, Camus who writes filial letters to Mr Martin, his beloved teacher, Julien Green who fondly remembers the image vivid of Professor Lesellier, his history teacher, Simone Weil praising his teacher Alain, who will never forget Jules Lagneau who introduced him to philosophy, J.B. Pontalis celebrating Sartre, who “stood out” so much among the other professors …
If, in addition to these famous teachers, the anthology offered the portrait of the unforgettable teacher that almost all of us met at some point in our scholastic path, perhaps we would draw some light on the skills necessary for the practice of this strange profession.

About professors and school diary just recently with Eleonora in the comments you can find here we remembered the glorious years of high school by telling about the decorations of the diaries.

Do you still keep any of yours?

The talk with Eleonora then continued also on the teachers, in particular on those we remember with greater esteem.

And what do you remember of your teachers?

Were any of them particularly enlightening or extremely ironic?

Daniel Pennac’s irony comes to life above all through the stylized men he draws that I obviously like very much.

Apparently I’m not the only one, so much so that I discovered an unofficial site dedicated to Daniel Pennac, and look at what image the author has chosen! 

Coincidence?! I do not think so …



I have already told you about the blog Centoquarantadue and how it is made up of two Souls: She, who wrote the story n. 3 of the Advent calendar, and He.

On this Sunday before Christmas Centoquarantadue does an encore and gives us the story by He.

I state that I already had my eyes to heart reading the presentation: I am He, who adores She. Writing together allows us to maintain a deep bond, despite the distance and other unspecified adversities.

Simply wonderful words.

And as if that weren’t enough, the story also moved me particularly because it awakened a memory linked to my Mom.

I don’t want to reveal anything but I advise you not to miss this Christmas Surprise:

There were just a few days before Christmas and, like every year, the delivery of the prize for kindness was held in the village: during the year, whoever wanted, could report one or more people who had distinguished themselves for acts of generosity, and at the end of the year , just before Christmas, the chosen ones were rewarded during an official ceremony attended by almost the whole country  go on here. 



In a week it will be Christmas, but what Christmas will it be?

This thought carries the nostalgia of memories that flow as if in slow motion.

If I could write a letter to me from 1979 I would tell myself to be overjoyed because the coming years will be an explosion of life, colors, sounds, emotions.
And I would tell myself to learn The logical song well, because one day unfortunately the meaning will appear in all its clarity.

If I could write a letter to me in 1989, I would tell myself that that was the first of thirty-two years of work that I will like but that I have to follow the desire to study and expect more for myself.
And I would tell myself to fight so that, just like in Berlin, all the walls are torn down.

If I could write a letter to me from 1999 I would tell myself that this whole idea of the 2000s is just a big soap bubble and that the upcoming future is wearing a mask that hides the regress.
And I would tell myself that there’s a difference between knowing the path and walking the path

If I could write a letter to me from 2009 I would tell myself that the crisis is not about to end and to be prepared to experience the recession.
And I would tell myself that The Resistance  isn’t just the best rock album.

If I could write a letter to me in 2019, I would tell myself to live every single minute with the awareness of the enormous value of simple moments that, however trivial, will change.
And I would tell myself that things are about to happen that I would never have believed.

But the worst fires burn intangible realities.


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