We already talked about The Children’s Train when I read Viola Ardone’s book published by Einaudi

But above all, we talked about The Children’s Train when I read the book Happiness trains by Giovanni Rinaldi. 

I became fond of Giovanni Rinaldi’s research work and his subsequent There was me on that train too and with words I travelled through the stories of many children, many families, many people who today still witness the beauty of solidarity through eyes that have seen the train of life run and through words that have much to teach us.

A discovery, a gift, which has brought us the privilege of the direct testimony of Americo Marino

Americo, not Amerigo, I am not mistaken: the real name of the man we knew as the protagonist of Einaudi or  The Children’s train Netflix, played by Christian Cervone and Stefano Accorsi is Americo

And if in some interviews Viola Ardone recognised Derna, Pachiochia or Maddalena as real characters, officially Americo remains a fictional character, despite the fact that significant elements such as his shoes, to name one, come from his direct testimony

This is why I could not miss seeing The Children’s train Netflix directed by Cristina Comencini and produced by Palomar.

The film was presented at the Rome Film Festival and has the support of the Emilia Romagna Region and Film Commission Torino Piemonte.

I sincerely hoped for a different epilogue with regard to the personal story of Americo, a person of rare sensitivity to whom I have grown fond of.

A thank you in the credits, a reference, a name, even coffee was mentioned.

How would you react if, we can say the whole world, given that The Children’s train has been translated into twenty-five languages, knew elements of your story, then declined in a different way?

Would you still be happy or would you suffer?

Have you seen The Children’s train Netflix?

If, like me, you are left with the thought of those children travelling to the unknown and how they found the affection of families who welcomed them as children, I think this video will move you, it is not fiction:

Derna and Americo from the Rinaldi Archive 



Choosing a name for a newborn child is never a trivial matter, and certainly Mr and Mrs Horowitz decided on a name for their daughter that is striking.


One would be inclined to quote Donnie Darko: “What the hell kind of name is that? It’s like some sort of superhero or something.”

Winona is the place of birth, but more importantly Winona is a female name of Native American origin meaning ‘first-born daughter’ in the Dakota and Sioux languages.

The surname Ryder, on the other hand, is a tribute to Mitch Ryder

We could also consider a married surname: Reeves.

Since the 1990s, in fact, she affectionately calls Keanu ‘husband’ because unbeknownst to them, the person who celebrated their wedding in Bram Stoker’s film Dracula was not an actor but a real priest. 

Francis Ford Coppola, but also Martin Scorsese and The Age of Innocence that earned her a Golden Globe, or Tim Burton with Edward Scissorhands or Bettlejuice that closes the circle in a way.

The iconic scenes featuring Winona would be so many, do you want to name one?

Is there a particular film you prefer out of all the ones she has starred in?

Winona was also a testimonial in a Japanese  commercial advertising coffee laughing

Don’t you find If you wanna be happy in Mermaids extremely addictive? 

Or irresistible My Sharona in Reality Bytes? 

Winona forever then?

She is Jo March!

Winona forever

She is human after all, so human that she has also made mistakes.

Maybe it’s because of this that I fell in love with Joyce Byers and all her imperfection in Stranger Things

Winona forever

And you?

How do you feel about the name your parents gave you?



SPECIAL birthday present for KCDC!

Keep Calm & Drink Coffee turns four years old, I just ten lustres older, but we both received this fantastic gift from Elisa Mirko and Diego

Don’t you think it’s perfect?

As you know I love cats, the coffee cup is really cute and the attitude is absolutely iconic.

Speaking of iconic cats, do you have a favourite?

Maybe Sylvester Cat, from Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies.

Or Tom from Hanna-Barbera

Maybe Felix the cat

Or Garfield

In my memories of fairy tales is Puss in Boots,  the one about the Marquis of Carbas.

Also nice is the version of Puss in Boots from Shrek.

The kitty Keep Calm & Drink Coffee on the other hand, what do we call him?

Did you know that cats sleep an average of 12 to 16 hours with peaks of 18 hours?

Practically twice as long as we sleep.

What can we say? We have only to learn!

KCDC kitty even has an eye mask!

I’d launch a poll to see what the favourite name is, for example, between:










But I’m sure you’ll come up with a better idea!

So tell me! What name shall we give the birthday present?


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