Habitat: the natural environment in which an animal or plant usually lives.

Here, I was thinking that I would like to see a series like ‘animals in their habitat’ instead of The Animals in my zoo.

No doubt it is very important that children learn about animals, but why the zoo?

The advertisement says that the characters were developed by a team of pedagogues.

Now, I am nobody, but wouldn’t it be nice to teach the concept of habitat?

Besides, it would also be very useful for geography.
Do you think kids know geography properly?

Zoos are becoming facsimiles – or perhaps caricatures – of how animals once were in their natural habitat.
Michael J Fox

Going back to the series, have you ever collected editions in weekly or otherwise periodical issues?

Are you the patient type who likes to wait and see your collection grow slowly and progressively?

Or rather do you prefer to search independently from bookshop to bookshop for the volumes that interest you?

Precision or inspiration?

Talk about creative ability:
Evolution is so creative. That’s how we got giraffes.
Kurt Vonnegut

Photo by BiancaVanDijk



Return to Tiffany is Maison Tiffany’s iconic collection.

Its origins date back to 1966, when Tiffany first began selling key chains with the now famous phrase “Please Return to Tiffany & Co. New York.”

The key chains were assigned a unique registration number, which ensured that Tiffany & Co could trace the keys back to the owner if they were lost.

That’s why Return to Tiffany: because the prestigious Fifth Avenue store would be able to reunite the data through a precise and confidential serial number.

In the fifty years that have passed, the Return to Tiffany collection has made its mark as a symbol of the tradition of craftsmanship, a fundamental pillar of Tiffany.

A Tiffany advertisement showed the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day: a heart-shaped Return to Tiffany tag in 14-karat yellow gold, priced at $11 …

Over time, there have been several evolutions: in 1980, Tiffany debuted the first piece of jewelry incorporating the Return to Tiffany tag, a heart-shaped yellow gold pendant on a necklace.

The collection expanded to an assortment of rings, bracelets and earrings, each with its own personality, all engraved with the emblem reminiscent of Tiffany‘s unparalleled style.

Have you ever happened to lose something?

I’d like you to tell me that you found it or that it was returned to you by some good soul.

According to Article 928 of the Civil Code  the delivery of the object found must be made known by publication for two successive Sundays and must remain posted for three days each time.

These seem like archaic concepts now that all kinds of information is disseminated online.

In Japan have a special name for lost or forgotten items: WASUREMONO 忘れ物.

Don’t you find it cute?

For them then, return is a very important issue; they are extremely precise and accurate.

The most commonly forgotten items are:

. cell phone

. bag 

. train, bus, metro pass

. wallet

. umbrella

. keys

. electronic cigarette

Keys therefore come long after an object that did not exist in 1966: the cell phone, yet Tiffany’s continues to represent somewhat “the heart of New York.” Or not?




Sunday the 4th of July in the beautiful setting in the courtyard of Palazzo Merula in Vigevano  where, among other things, there is the municipal historical archive, Ermanno Boccalaris book was presented: Jewish presence in Vigevano in remote and recent history part of a special series “Leading roles” edited by Astrolabio and Punto & Virgola

The author has carried out a precise and meticulous research which reveals the first testimonies of Jewish bankers in 1400 during the period of the Visconti Sforza duchy and which embraces all types sector.

We were therefore able to hear stories of doctors as well as architects, and for example we learned that the first recipe of a typical local product actually comes from a kosher preparation.

The all-round excursus also included the seventh art: with a quote dedicated to Il maestro di Vigevano by Elio Petri, as regards the wife of the master played by Alberto Sordi, or actress Claire Bloom.

Wikipedia gives us an image with a cup of coffee on the table of one of the Cafe in Piazza Ducale.

Speaking of Piazza Ducale: have you ever noticed the star of David on the cobblestones in front of the Cathedral?


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