Here comes Knives Out again!



About the first Dinner with Murder I have been VERY enigmatic, so now, I should exceed 🙂

Just kidding! Of course I won’t, although really the “mystery” is hardly the interesting part of the Glass Onion movie. 

I found the whole chain of quotes and cameos ringed together as a long sequence of amusing gems.

Even Spot appears.

The cameo I loved the most?
“Angie” … for you to find out who she is.

Among the official cast my favorite is Kate Hudson, who reunites with the same friend from How to loose a guy in ten days, the movie I told you about in You’re so vain

About friendships: a friend of director Rian Johnson is the … time gong aka Joseph Gordon-Levitt.

The most iconic unofficial quote in my opinion is the White Russian: although Dude is unique and inimitable.

Speaking of drinks: beware of drinks!
Incidentally, Glass Onion is the name of a Cafe.

As for coffee in a scene there is the I love New York mug in the picture, but it is definitely Jared Leto’s Kombucha tea that takes the cake.

Miles Bron, the character played by Edward Norton, is a parody of the … so-called new owner of Twitter … 

Dave Bautista is in sharp regression from his Drax in The Guardians of the Galaxy.

And I honestly shuddered at the idea that anyone would even think of comparing the detective played by Daniel Craig to Hercule Poirot

All wrong then?

Yes. But that is precisely the power of the movie.

It is a dangerous thing to exchange talking without thinking with telling the truth.
Benoit Blanc



Three million euros is the amount awarded as compensation for the 17 years spent in prison by an innocent man, one would wonder if this is the price of a depredation.

This is what I had written in recounting the Ilaria Alpi affair. 

But now unfortunately a further question must be added: Is three million euros the cause of Hashi Omar Hassan’s death?

According to the thesis bouncing around the various news outlets, the reason for the killing is precisely related to the compensation money.

But the Order of Journalists together with Usigrai and Federazione Nazionale Stampa Italiana, in union with all the associations participating in the #NoiNonArchiviamo campaign, 

have signed a writ of incorporation as offended parties to continue to demand the truth about the death of Ilaria Alpi and Miran Hrovatin.

Let’s take a step back: with the previous story, I had stopped with the compensation for the wrongful imprisonment of Hashi Omar Hassan. To summarize what happened next we can refer directly to his appeal published

on the Facebook page of Chi l’ha visto

Hashi Omar Hassan therefore asked for help so that he could find his family in Sweden and Somalia.

In Somalia, however, he found death, a violent death, just as violent was the death of Ilaria and Miran.

A bomb under the seat of his car in Mogadishu blasted him and the silence that like a dusting will fall back on the truth, beginning to cover it again with the blanket of time.



The black book of the Vatican, published by Chiarelettere, is such a tome that it can hold the cup as a secure support …

In reality it is a collection of five books:

Vaticano S.p.A.

His Holiness

Way of the cross

Original sin

Universal Judgment

united and integrated with new unpublished texts.

So at once I rattled off what I perceived as mysteries of a rosary. All painful, though.

Honestly, it took me more stomach in this case than reading Stephen King … other than horror …

In reality, Gianluigi Nuzzi tells news from chronicle that are well known, that we have lived and heard, but up to now I had remained only on a superficial level, except for the case of poor Emanuela Orlandi whom I have always followed with impotence, maintaining the thought to family members.

The black book of the Vatican shows documents that report mind-boggling figures, tells anecdotes that in my opinion surpass even science fiction, but above all it outlines the tragic weakness of the human soul with respect to the power of money in all its subtle manifestations.

Gianluigi Nuzzi was tried on charges of putting the economic security of the Vatican at risk, and for the dissemination of confidential information, in the context of the procedure known as Vatileaks 2.

This is his statement on the day of the sentence: 

Today, for the first time in the history of the Church, the Vatican court will unfortunately pronounce a sentence on a journalist, accused of how he did his job. The prosecution asked for a year in prison for me. In their opinion, I was guilty of “moral competition” given “psychological impulse” with my “presence and availability” for the dissemination of confidential information by those who had to keep the secret. The accusation is all here. I hope after the sentence – whatever it may be – that journalists with their “presence and availability” will always be on the hunt for information, meeting sources to bring you all news, rooms from every country (or almost obviously). Perhaps uncomfortable news, on the malfeasance and mismanagement of community money, even the offers that citizens give to the Church. Being present and available is a professional ability not a crime. So freedom of the press is loudly at the center of this absurd process. This is why I am convinced that today the court will not pass this unacceptable idea. For this I will go to court with my head held high with your incredible support in my heart. Thank you

There is also a parliamentary question to the European Parliament for the trial against Nuzzi, which will be acquitted, as published in Avvenire, because the alleged facts occurred outside the ordinary jurisdiction of the Vatican Court.

Avvenire also reports the declarations of the director of the press office, Father Francesco Lombardi who reiterate the reasons: this trial had to be done above all to demonstrate the will to decisively fight the demonstrations and the incorrect consequences of the internal Vatican tensions and controversies, this was not in any way way a trial against the freedom of the press.

A German production television series is currently in progress, based on the Vatileaks scandal and the subsequent resignation of Pope Benedict XVI, edited by UFA Fiction which acquired the rights and appointed Gianluigi Nuzzi as Head Consultant.

Producer Peter A. Weckert said: The truth has to come out!

Will the truth come out for real?



Massimo explained me the Weimar republic and wandering around the web looking for details about it, I came across this sentence:
no one really knows the history of the Weimar Republic, if not lovers of the history of art and design

Obviously I wondered in what sense, and why according to this concept the Weimar Republic is less precisely known with reference to the economy, which is generally the focus, as for example in this Rai Scuola video

Of that period I had already mentioned the Baroness but Dadaism remains perhaps more separated from the socio-political context, so the fulcrum of the creative movement manifests itself with the rise of the Bauhaus

So I searched for a first answer to Moma:
The school of art and design founded in Germany by Walter Gropius in 1919, and shut down by the Nazis in 1933. The faculty brought together artists, architects, and designers, and developed an experimental pedagogy that focused on materials and functions rather than traditional art school methodologies. In its successive incarnations in Weimar, Dessau, and Berlin, it became the site of influential conversations about the role of modern art and design in society.

The names that resonate are Paul Klee or Vasily Kandinsky, but obviously I cannot but mention Marianne Brandt and her metal coffe set

There remains the question of the true essence of the Weimar Republic: does all this really prevail over the disastrous hyperinflation?

Maybe you are one of the aforementioned lovers of art history and design and you know how to explain me.

Passato e Presente describes the Weimar Republic like a parable, divided into three phases: and it is precisely the intermediate phase that sees the artistic flowering.

Weimar is a political, institutional, social and artistic laboratory, crossed by the tensions of modernity.

Let’s imagine observing all this while sitting at the Romanische Café  where the artists met and being able to analyze the Neue Sachlichkeit: that is the New objectivity but also the expressionism of cinema and the approach to realism through their eyes.

Crossed by the tensions of modernity.

During a conference in Florence on the occasion of the centenary, published by the Ministry of the Interior  The Weimar Constitution is defined as the first Charter that tries to respond to strong social tensions, and as a document of extraordinary modernity because it re-proposes the theme of the relationship between democratic legitimacy and the legality of limits to freedoms.

So, I assume: only artists have had the opportunity to fully express and experience freedom?

Yet the Weimar Constitution provided for example: universal suffrage, wages increased in real terms, pension and sickness benefit schemes, compulsory unemployment insurance, government subsidies for the construction of parks, schools and sports facilities, and a massive program of construction of public housing.

But from “suitcases full of dreams” we literally passed to suitcases full of banknotes to be able to buy basic necessities and metaphorically speaking not even AVUS: Automobil Verkehrs und Übungsstrecke that is the first highway in Europe has been able to “run” the freedom of a republic renamed “glass” for its fragility.

But glass is also transparency.
How the truth?

I quote Wislawa Szymborska:
He made himself a glass violin because he wanted to see the music.

What would you like to see?

I would like to read your reflections if you want to share them, meanwhile I dedicate to you You’re the cream in my coffee by Marlene Dietrich.



“There are new evaluation topics, in our opinion very important …”

Alberto Stasi’s lawyer recently explained in an interview the request to review the process which frankly comes unexpected.

In 2017, the Court of Cassation declared the extraordinary appeal filed by the Stasi defense inadmissible, after rejecting the appeal in 2015 and after the 16-year sentence of the Assize Court of Appeal in 2014.

Everyone, even those who follow the news cases less assiduously, were affected by this crime that ripped apart the holiday atmosphere in August 2017.

A quiet village, a simple girl, a banal bicycle, and the house: the place where everyone feel safer, suddenly filled with horror. An inexplicable horror that conveyed concern, indignation and a long series of questions.

I found answers and precise explanations in the book by Gian Luigi Tizzoni, which tells in a simple way the succession of events that represent ten years of life for him.

So much so that I personally had the feeling of reading pages of a diary, rather than cold legal exposures.

The book begins on August 18, 2007: not the date of the murder, but the day of Chiara’s funeral, when the lawyer Tizzoni still had not received the task of protecting the Poggi family. And it is divided into six chapters, as many as the degrees of judgment.

“I think they killed a person, but maybe she is alive, that’s how Stasi described the death of the girl he was in love with.”

These are words of Gian Luigi Tizzoni, as could be your words or mine. It is not the story of a lawyer, it is the story of a man, “of a long journey, of a real odyssey.”

I recommend it: for example, despite having always followed the story, I finally got to understand the issue of the pedal and to rearrange exactly all the various pieces of the puzzle, or rather, to use the words of the author again:

“Each clue integrated perfectly with the others, like mosaic tiles, creating an overall picture …”

in case, then, if you want, you can tell me what is the picture you see.


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