Gifts, how?
To tell the truth, for me the beauty of presents is the search, the moment when you think of the most suitable thing for the person who will receive it, the instant when you look at the eyes, hoping it will be a surprise, hoping to see joy.
But I also have been so lucky to receive gifts of the kind that
The excellence of a gift lies in its appropiateness rather than in its value.
Charles Dudley Warner
So here it is:
the illuminated sign
which my husband has already strategically placed in my reading corner.
ready to be with me in reading my next book.
Il Caffè della Terra coffee produced in Vigevano.
How about it?
Would you like to tell me about a gift of yours?
A gift received or given, a guessed gift or an embarrassing gift, a useful or desired gift, a bizarre gift or the gift you will never forget.
I generally always take a long time for presents, some people choose a shop and then find everything quickly.
Do you have a strategy or do you rely on chance?
Do you plan months in advance or do you dedicate yourself to presents in December?
Do you ever follow a common thread?
Do you prefer to request gift wrapping from the retailer or do you take care of it yourself?
Lately, many shopkeepers use the logo shopper bag, which is no longer included in the price.
Do you think the anti-waste concept or the surprise is more important?
What if you receive a gift that for some reason you will definitely not use?
Coffee’s ready, sit down and we’ll talk!